A Fish Trail not a Fishy Tale

Last week my son and I went to visit Hull. This is not a regular destination on most tourists’ “to do” list when exploring England, but it has many hidden surprises including the Fish Trail, which is one of the most inspired and quirky public works...

Literacy Trails in Outdoor Spaces

Trails are interesting things. Children like them and they are often associated with taking learning outdoors. Many teachers experience them the hard way. We set up a trail that takes a couple of hours to put together the night before and half an hour to set up in the...

Creating On-Going Dialogue and Change with Children

At the weekend I was facilitating my final workshop of the school year at the Aberdeen Early Years Conference. The theme was Going Out to Play with Fred the Ted – Creating On-going Dialogue with Children. It was a fitting end to a busy year, in that it was an...
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