35+ Outdoor Maths Books, Packs, Downloads and Videos

On a number of occasions in the Outdoor Maths in Primary and Early Years Facebook group, queries have been made about books and resources that exist about outdoor maths. Thus it seemed to make good sense to put these into a blog post for anyone to access. It...

Rainbow Maths Sticks

The mathematical potential of a stick never ceases to amaze me. Back in 2014, I had a bright idea which is remarkably simple and came about owing to overhearing someone mention colour coding. You get some sticks. You paint the ends different colours. You play with...

Outdoor Maths: Angles and Numerals

This is a very simple investigation using sticks lying around. It works particularly well with twigs or sticks which can be easily broken or snapped to size. The challenge is to create the numerals from 1-9 with sticks. Now that is a nice challenge in the early years...
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