Multiplication Pebbles

Multiplication pebbles are a very simple resource. I have put 10 pebbles in one bag to represent the 3 times table. As illustrated above, each pebbles has the number 3 painted on it with acrylic deco pens. Each pebble is a different colour. For some children, learning...

A Number Pebble Game

Recently I was browsing Childhood 101’s blog and stumbled across this post about using Uno to play an attribute game. It reminded me of several summers of serious card playing where my sisters and I played a lot of “Black Jack” which is similar to...

Weathering and Cracks

Change is happening all around us. Natural processes are constantly at work, shaping our landscape and some times playing havoc with our lives. Winter is a wonderful time for work on weathering and erosion, not least because it happens that little bit quicker....
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