Nov 17, 2010 | Literacy Outdoors
As an education consultant, one of my favourite things to do was poetry outdoors with educators as well as children. here are three poem structures that work well outside with both! A Number Poem This works well for group work and with very young children. Ask...
Sep 26, 2010 | Literacy Outdoors
Like many other teachers, I love and appreciate children’s books. Whenever I walk into a bookshop, the children’s section is a “must visit” . Children will happily explore books outside. You can have a special den or tepee for reading, or just...
Jun 11, 2010 | Art & Music Outdoors, Early Years Outdoors, Literacy Outdoors, Maths Outdoors
When I deliver courses and workshops, one set of resources particularly liked by participants are my painted stones: Using stones to demonstrate the value of natural materials in learning and play When I work in schools, they seem to be just as popular: This was a...
May 14, 2010 | Literacy Outdoors, Social Subjects Outdoors
This is a series of wee activities which can be used to focus on the theme of journeys as a context for literacy. The journey begins inside. Use the transition from the class to the outdoor area as an opportunity to develop literacy skills. The activities below...
Feb 6, 2010 | Literacy Outdoors, Maths Outdoors, Social Subjects Outdoors, Whole School
If your class is studying Scandinavian countries or undertaking a Viking project, then a wee focus on trolls can be a lot of fun. Trolls are part of Scandinavian folklore and any child who has read the films or read the Harry Potter books knows a little about trolls....
Nov 1, 2009 | Literacy Outdoors, Nature Play & Learning, Science Outdoors
With the clocks having gone back one week ago, suddenly I feel we’re heading into winter. Signs of death and decay are everywhere from a road killed fox and hedgehog to fallen leaves fluttering down the streets leaving a distinctly ghost town feel to being out and...