Music and Rhythm Outdoors at The Coombes School

When I pick up two stones on a beach and begin to tap them together, a slight shiver goes down my spine. Not for negative reasons, but with each clink I am reminded about who I am and where I’m from. I know that thousands of years ago, adults and children will...

The Junk Orchestra Outdoor Music Space

In 2013 I had the privilege of working at Broadford Primary School in Romford. The school had put a lot of effort into developing its school grounds. An outdoor music area had been installed and I really liked what I saw. ©Saul and The Junk Orchestra Fixed...

An Outdoor Music Wall

This blog post was originally published many years ago. However the process Mile End School Nursery in Aberdeen used to create the music wall remains a good example a process that involves the children and began with their interest in exploring sounds. The nursery...
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