Whole School Approaches to Developing Outdoor Learning and Play

In this section you will find lots of practical guidance to help you embed outdoor learning at a whole school level from nursery through to Primary 7 (Year 6). It covers the “soft” skills such as consulting stakeholders, overcoming mindset and issues that commonly arise. There’s also examples of how different schools and nurseries have moved their outdoor practice forwards.

To avoid duplication, I’m trying to limit where blog posts are listed. You are strongly advised to have a look at the other pages listed in the RH column of this website as there is lots relevant to a whole school approach.

Getting started

Outdoor clothing and weather matters

Note: During Covid-19 pandemic, all the outdoor clothing boxes were distributed to schools an ELC settings in Aberdeen City. So they are no longer available to borrow.

Schools and nurseries that have undertaken outdoor developments

Mind over matter – overcoming perceived challenges to getting outside

Parent, Carers and Families

Cultural events and celebrations within the school year including religious and traditional festivals

Christmas posts

Reflective posts

Fun, interesting or miscellaneous posts

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