Jun 27, 2010 | Developing School Grounds & Outdoor Spaces, Early Years Outdoors, Whole School
When I work with schools and early years settings I discuss the concept of zoning the outdoor area. This is not an original idea. Landscape architects who develop play spaces use zones to turn a “space” into a “place”. Each zone or area is managed for different play...
Jun 24, 2010 | Developing School Grounds & Outdoor Spaces
This blog post was originally written in June 2010. Although there is no doubt that the outdoor space will now look very different, the idea of a community celebration of the outdoor space is a great way of enabling children and their families to meet and enjoy the...
Jun 11, 2010 | Art & Music Outdoors, Early Years Outdoors, Literacy Outdoors, Maths Outdoors
When I deliver courses and workshops, one set of resources particularly liked by participants are my painted stones: Using stones to demonstrate the value of natural materials in learning and play When I work in schools, they seem to be just as popular: This was a...
May 21, 2010 | Early Years Outdoors, Whole School
“There is always a certain risk to being alive and if you are more alive there is more risk.”Ibsen Edinburgh is a mysterious city. Within its centre is a myriad of steps, alleyways and hidden streets. Just off the Royal Mile, invisible to non-nursery...
May 14, 2010 | Literacy Outdoors, Social Subjects Outdoors
This is a series of wee activities which can be used to focus on the theme of journeys as a context for literacy. The journey begins inside. Use the transition from the class to the outdoor area as an opportunity to develop literacy skills. The activities below...