TeachMeet Beyond and the Outdoor Numeracy Notes!

This weekend I ventured down to the Central Belt of Scotland for an exploration into unknown territory. It was my first venture through Bathgate, my first visit to a scout camp and my first ever TeachMeet. This was TeachMeet Beyond with a focus on outdoor learning...

Outdoor Maths: investigating right angles with sticks

The concept of a right angle can often stump children. After all, surely when any two lines meet, it’s an angle, right? Using right angle detectors of various shapes and sizes and going on a right angle hunt around a school can be helpful. But past experience is...

An outdoor shape activity with sticks

The sticks are getting a serious amount of use at the moment. Last week I used them for an activity in a P5-7 class to reinforce the language of shape. This is what happened: The children had to get into groups of 4 and take 12 large and 12 small sticks. The challenge...

Circle Poems in Action

Last month I blogged about Circle Poems and mentioned that I thought they would work particularly well in  nursery. Well, I got an impromptu chance to find out recently. At a nursery I was visiting, the tyres were out and about with the children very engrossed in...

Number Bonds with Sticks

I’m coming to the conclusion that sticks are an essential resource for many outdoor activities right the way through primary school. Since the start of 2011, I seem to be using them in so many different activities. My eyes were really opened last July when I...
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