Ponds in schools

I’m often asked if ponds are allowed in school grounds. The answer isn’t straightforward. Most local authorities allow schools and settings to have a pond. Some may have local guidance. Always seek permission prior to installing a pond from your line...

TeachMeet Beyond and the Outdoor Numeracy Notes!

This weekend I ventured down to the Central Belt of Scotland for an exploration into unknown territory. It was my first venture through Bathgate, my first visit to a scout camp and my first ever TeachMeet. This was TeachMeet Beyond with a focus on outdoor learning...

Outdoor Maths: investigating right angles with sticks

The concept of a right angle can often stump children. After all, surely when any two lines meet, it’s an angle, right? Using right angle detectors of various shapes and sizes and going on a right angle hunt around a school can be helpful. But past experience is...

An outdoor shape activity with sticks

The sticks are getting a serious amount of use at the moment. Last week I used them for an activity in a P5-7 class to reinforce the language of shape. This is what happened: The children had to get into groups of 4 and take 12 large and 12 small sticks. The challenge...

Circle Poems in Action

Last month I blogged about Circle Poems and mentioned that I thought they would work particularly well in  nursery. Well, I got an impromptu chance to find out recently. At a nursery I was visiting, the tyres were out and about with the children very engrossed in...
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