Aug 24, 2015 | Maths Outdoors
Today has been a wet, rainy day. It was perfect for creating nature circles – or mandalas – depending upon how you choose to introduce and contextualise the activity. For me, I am interested in the mathematical element of this work. I’ve blogged...
Aug 12, 2015 | Early Years Outdoors, Literacy Outdoors
Writing outside is becoming increasingly popular in many primary and secondary schools as a method of engaging children and providing activities and stimuli which cannot be found indoors. The multi-sensory nature of much outdoor learning helps children to retain ideas...
Jul 7, 2015 | Developing School Grounds & Outdoor Spaces, Nature Play & Learning
Big boulders are an unsung resource. Children love to play on them. Every boulder tells the story of the Planet Earth and how it has come to be like it is. Very often there will be one or two large boulders in a playground. Yet as a learning resource these are largely...
Jun 14, 2015 | Maths Outdoors
Multiplication pebbles are a very simple resource. I have put 10 pebbles in one bag to represent the 3 times table. As illustrated above, each pebbles has the number 3 painted on it with acrylic deco pens. Each pebble is a different colour. For some children, learning...