This blog post was originally published many years ago. However the process Mile End School Nursery in Aberdeen used to create the music wall remains a good example a process that involves the children and began with their interest in exploring sounds.

The nursery staff worked with the children to think about the sounds they might like and the materials which could be used.

Then the parents were asked for their input…

I think this helped as unwanted items were brought in from home such as pans…

…and plastic buckets

…and even an oven rack. Yay!

The school janitors were extremely helpful and were able to assist with the making of this wooden xylophone…

…and this pvc piping instrument…

Some old triangles also were added and I think that’s a cowbell on the right…

I rather liked the wooden spoons being used as beaters too!

This wall is such a doable project, that takes up little space and can be varied as new sounds are discovered and added to the mix. If you want further inspiration, I strongly recommend visiting Child’s Play Music. Alec Duncan who is the founder has this website which is helpful. Also don’t forget to download my free pdf with over 50 ideas for outdoor music: Bish! Bosh! Bang! Experiencing Music Outside.:)

This blog post was originally published in October 2011.

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