The Highway Farm Sandpit
The ultimate DIY sandpit with levels, channels, mirrors and much more!
Garden Labels of Love
Wonderful examples of labelling beyond the usual labels.
Bug Off: The Game of Outdoor Warfare
14yr old designs outdoor game
Rothay Park Play Log – Ambleside
Check out the oak play structure
Stripy Sticks, Subitising and Other Challenges
Exploring the potential stripes to extend maths possibilities with sticks.
Maths Investigations from Tyntesfield Primary School
Simple doable ideas for data handling outdoors and exploring number for primary classes.
Environmental Services – Support for Schools
Local council support
The Science of a Splat
Lashes and splashes of water
Fairies – A Risk Benefit Assessment
Essential for anyone with a fairy garden
In the beginning… starting from scratch to develop your outdoor space
Changing hearts, minds and practice
Wee Green Fingers
Plants for school grounds – some ideas.
VELCRO® fastener v. Cable Ties – An Alternative Attachment Theory
Va va voom. Va va Velcro!