10 Outdoor Ways to Celebrate World Book Day
A range of simple, doable possibilities.
Real Boats in School Grounds
Boats in school grounds are a magnet for play.
A Nature Pyramid Pattern Investigation
A simple maths investigation easy to do but absorbing and great fun.
40+ Suggestions for Exploring Rotation Outside
Taking a new spin on the subject…
Story Washing Lines Outside
One of the most effective ways of reading a story to a group outside.
Zen Gardens – Places for Meditation and Mindfulness in Schools
When creating a dry-landscape garden, spontaneity and experimentation matter.
Buddhist Prayer Flags
An example of religious outdoor practice.
The Clootie Tree
A beautiful respectful tradition of wishing better health for all.
10 Ways to Listen, Tune In and Simply Be
Relax, look, feel and listen. Really, really listen.
Music and Rhythm Outdoors at The Coombes School
Home made instruments provide ample opportunities to learn about music outdoors.
The Junk Orchestra Outdoor Music Space
Recycled musical instruments for play and learning in nursery and primary
Big Outdoor Musical Instruments
Big outdoor musical instruments are a lot of fun.