Tweak to transform your shed

Sheds are very useful places. Most of us consider their value in relation to the storage of resources. This particular shed can be found at the Dearne Valley Old Moor RSPB Reserve. It demonstrates how you can add a few bits and pieces to create shelter, water,...

Garlic Mustard Pesto

This blog post is about Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) sometimes called Jack-by-the-hedge. You can also forage for Wild Garlic ((Allium ursinum)) which is also found in many woodlands in spring time. More information and Wild Garlic recipes can be found on the...

10 Tips: Planters, containers and raised beds

When I advised schools and preschools about planters, containers and raised beds, I would do this from a practical learning and play perspective. There are some advantages to container planting: A well-loved and looked after planter, pot or container can transform the...

A Bird Feeding Garden

I have previously blogged about RSPB Mersehead Reserve in Dumfries & Galloway and the accessible wildlife garden which took the art of container planting to a new height. This was not the only gem of a wildlife area. I found myself drooling over the spacious...


Recently, I met up with a retired teaching friend who now volunteers with the G.R.O.W. Project at Inverness Botanic Garden. She kindly gave me a behind-the-scenes tour of the project which includes several poly tunnels and composting areas, tool sheds and other...


I visit a lot of schools who like the idea of a compost bin and have one, but in terms of really using it, are a little unsure about what they are doing. The trick is to prepare in advance. Composting is not a spur-of-the-moment activity for a supply teacher....

Garden Labels of Love

Many years ago, I had a quick stop-over in Penrith en route south. It’s always a bit of a mad dash but I needed a leg stretch and to catch a few Pokemon, so I toddled off around the town centre. Whilst going down a side street, I stumbled across a community...
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