9 Tips for Using iPads Outside

“Where’s the games?” When children explore my iPad, this question always arises.  The contents on my iPad are not what children expect. It is almost entirely a range of apps for use outside. Once children fathom this out, one of two things...

BIO Learning at Upper Sturt Primary

BIO stands for Both Inside and Out. It is an approach to topic work that the children at Upper Sturt Primary School use almost on a daily basis. In their words, it is “an integrated subject, which is employed as a whole school approach. Explicit texts are used...

Crianlarich Primary – Maths Trailblazers

This guest blog post is courtesy of Crianlarich Primary School. Back in September, I had the privilege of working with the school for a morning to kickstart using their school grounds and local environment for raising attainment in maths. How would use this maths...

Fairies – A Risk Benefit Assessment

With the rise in popularity of schools and nurseries providing fairy gardens for these magical creatures to inhabit, I thought it was appropriate to consider what you may need to put in your risk benefit assessments relating to their care and wellbeing. Admittedly, I...

10 Outdoor Tips for Starting Teaching

At this time of year, there’s lots of advice flying around for newly qualified teachers embarking on their first job. Here’s some advice from the outside about some essential resources to help get you going.  Let me know what else you would add to the list...

A Night at the Movies

Over Easter it can be fun to enjoy a few videos. I realise I’ve never posted ones which I love and enjoy. So, take a beverage of your choice, get comfy and enjoy the show. Get ‘Em Outside This was first outdoor video clip that I saw that I felt had a...

Congratulations Middleton Park Primary School

It’s not often you stay up late to witness the publication of a school inspection report. However Middleton Park Primary School and Nursery in Aberdeen is doing an exceptional job of providing an excellent education for their children. I’m delighted that a...

The Classroom is Too Small

When I ask children and young people what they like about learning outdoors, many cite “space and freedom” as a reason. It is a consistent theme across the ages and is also echoed by teachers. Every teacher knows the challenges of having to teach...

Rewilding – Why the wolf in sheep’s clothing?

One of the strengths of learning outdoors is that educators and children have really good opportunities to make connections between the work they are undertaking and what is happening in society. With Learning for Sustainability a core part of the GTCS teaching...

A Whole School Approach to Outdoor Learning

One year ago I spent two mornings working with a small group of teachers at St Geradine’s Primary School in Lossiemouth. The Depute Head, Fiona Stevenson, who was leading the outdoor learning improvements, contacted me in August to let me know how the school was...

Is Outdoor Learning in Scotland Blossoming?

Rob Bushby is UK Manager of the John Muir Award – the John Muir Trust’s environmental award scheme. In this detailed guest blog post, he takes in the view of the strategic landscape of Outdoor Learning in Scotland.  How about this for a statement of intent...

Health and Safety: Have you heard the latest…?

Have you ever been told or heard of some thing that you may or may not do outside with children on the the grounds of health and safety? Has this made your stomach churn, out of guilt that you may have allowed this “forbidden” activity to happen despite...
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