We are all encouraged to work out our environmental footprint, but have you ever considered your impact on daisies? Luckily they are tough little flowers that seem to withstand people treading on them.
A nice maths activity is to find out how many daisies you can stand on, with one foot
To do this, you need an old cereal packet or scrap piece of cardboard. Draw round your foot. Then cut it out. With little children, as much as possible let them do this to themselves rather than issuing a template. Then the activity is more personally meaningful.
From here, the class or group needs to decide what results to collect. For example, will everyone simply look for the biggest clump of daisies? Where will this be found? Or will it be that groups work in a straight line and do a more standardised approach to gathering the data?
For younger children, simply the act of counting daisies will be a good challenge in itself. It is also fun to find out how many daisies will fit inside a footprint.
Regardless, the fun of footprints and daisies is a summer activity not to be missed.
Lovely idea!
I love this idea, it’s so simple but really fun!
Such a fun and simple way to educate the children – thanks for sharing with Country Kids.
This looks like a fun idea. Thanks for sharing.
Great!! Will try out. Thanks
Looking for the link for the Numbers mat.
Hi Tricia – are you thinking of the tens frame? https://creativestarlearning.co.uk/early-years-outdoors/the-joy-of-a-pocket-sized-cotton-ten-frame/