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Whilst visiting Melbourne last March, I had the privilege of visit Skinner’s Adventure Playground Centre. It was a wonderful, warm and welcoming play space. At the entrance these life-size silhouette murals greeted you.

Silhouette mural

The children and adults who created them, clearly had a lot of fun in the process. As well as a range of poses, each silhouette provided a little background information about the person who made it:

Silhouette mural 7

The code is a creative way of personalising each of the silhouette people. I also rather like the idea of using blackboard paint as the silhouettes so that children could draw or leave messages on the walls/

Silhouette mural 2

When walking along the Rio Madrid embankment in Madrid last October, the silhouette murals below were big, bold and eye-catching.

Silhouette mural 4

Upon closer inspection. the leaf mural had a detail that was rather interesting. The leaf veins were in fact people!

Silhouette mural 5

I really like silhouettes. As a child they fascinated me. I enjoyed looking at tree outlines in particular. They are a natural link to shadow explorations and shadow play.

If I see any more funky silhouette murals I will add them to this blog post. Watch this space!

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